MARMORINO POLVERE MEDIA is used on any surface that has previously been well prepared; it can be used indoor and outdoor.
Technical Data Result: changes according to the support, about 2 kg/m2 Physical Status: powder Specific weight: 1.9 kg/l Drying time: depends on the application environment. Granulometry: from 0.5 to 0.8 mm Water vapor Diffusion: 745 g/m2 in 24 hours Resistance Factor to vapor diffusion: ? = 12 Air equivalent layer: Sd= ? ? s = 0.03 m (calculated with s= 0.2 ? 10-3 m) Coefficient of water absorbtion: w= 0.25 kg (m2 ? h1/2). ? Sd ? w= 0.0075 kg (m ? h1/2). Respects the theory by Kuenzle.
Use MARMORINO POLVERE MEDIA is formed of selected marble powders, lime and additives that make it very workable, it has also got an excellent support grip. MARMORINO POLVERE MEDIA was already used a few centuries ago in ancient palladian villas and today Colorificio Veneziano propose it again using modern production technologies that grant a great product stability. It is very breathable and alkali and mold resistant.
Base preparation and application cycles After properly preparing the base (see technical data sheet Grassello 600) apply one first layer of MARMORINO POLVERE MEDIA with a steel trowel, let the surface dry well and after 16 hours apply another layer. Then compact the material to obtain a very smooth surface. During the hottest months we suggest to wet the base with water. In order to protect the product and make it water resistant, after 10 days use a hydrosilonic product like Idrocem-A.
Warnings MARMORINO POLVERE MEDIA must be used at its original status without adding any other material.
For every work take the needed material all of the same kind. Apply the material only on seasoned and dry plasters. Avoid the application on facades exposed to sun and wind. Avoid the application during the coldest months, a +5 ?C temperature is the minimum value for the lay-up. Avoid the application on a facade in different times.
Preservation Preserve the product in right places. If stocked inside the original can it lasts 1year.
Quality MARMORINO POLVERE MEDIA is constantly and properly checked. The raw materials used are strictly selected and checked.
The reported data refer to laboratory tests: during practical applications in building sites these can be slightly modified according to the conditions of any installation. The person who works with the product must verify the expected suitability of use of the product, taking upon himself.
The company Colorificio Veneziano s.r.l. may carry out technical alterations on products without notice.