ENCAUSTO is formed of acrylic copolymers, unalterable inorganic pigments and inert mineral charges. It is a stucco veneziano material, suitable for renovation but also for new buildings. The final result is a very elegant finishing. With ENCAUSTO the finishing are smooth and soft to the touch. This stucco is breathable and does not keep neither humidity nor the dust in teh air. ENCAUSTO is for indoor use only.
Technical data Specific weight: 1.580 ? 0.050 Flash point: unflammable Solid in volume: 33% Average Viscosity: consistent and soft paste Drying time: to the touch 1-2 hours, deeply 24 hours Covering time: minimum 24 hours Film depth (micron): dry 150, humid 450 Result: 1 kg/m2 Aspect of dry film: shiny Miling: 25 micron Water vapor Diffusion: 340 g/m2 in 24 hours Resistance Factor to vapor diffusion: ?=38. Air equivalent layer: Sd = ? ? s = 0.09 m (calculated with s = 0.6 ? 10-3 m) Coefficient of water absorbtion: w= 0.19 kg (m2 ? h1/2). ? Sd ? w = 0.0010 kg (m ? h1/2). Respects the theory by Kuenzle.
Use ENCAUSTO is a paste ready to use. Apply using a steel spatula or trowel, making semicircular movements. When Encausto starts drying, apply another layer in the spots that have been left unpainted during the first application. When it is almost dry, level the surface to make it smooth using a small amount of stucco. Before the complete drying up, polish the product using the same tool well cleaned making semicircular movements. You can also polish it using wax that makes the support even more resistant to dust and humidity.
Base preparation To apply ENCAUSTO is necessary to have a very smooth base. If the wall is dysty, brush it and apply Isoedil-A or Fondo Ruvido. For irregular walls, first level the surface then if the depth is thick use T-POLVERE to insulate. For plasterboards use Fondo Ruvido.
Warnings Avoid the application on dirty and dusty surfaces. As first step clean the support with Fondo Ruvido. Avoid the application on walls that have been previously treated with wax.
Supply Can: 25 kg. Tints: Veneziano?s colors.
Preservation Preserve the product in right places. If stocked inside the original can it lasts 1year.
Quality ENCAUSTO is constantly and properly checked. The raw materials used are strictly selected and checked.
The reported data refer to laboratory tests: during practical applications in building sites these can be slightly modified according to the conditions of any installation. The person who works with the product must verify the expected suitability of use of the product, taking upon himself.
The company Colorificio Veneziano s.r.l. may carry out technical alterations on products without notice.